I have to say, I never thought I would be at a Venture Café meeting building a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows, but sure enough, I found myself there doing just that. Most importantly though, I was building it with another person…through a process of collaboration that involved bringing multiple modes of thinking together in order to solve a problem. Suffice to say, we ran out of time and our tower did not hold up, but we certainly have a new blueprint if noodle and marshmallow construction take off in the near future.
In case you’re wondering what Venture Café is, it is a global movement working to build stronger and more inclusive innovation ecosystems and accelerate and enhance the innovation process, in cities around the world. It does this through its use of programming, space, storytelling, and broad innovation engagement. The target industries are Hi-Tech, Bioscience, Advanced Manufacturing, Social Equity, Art, Government, Education, Renewable Energy, among others.
Some notable moments from the evening showcased by Venture Café were an Art + Science exhibit showing science-inspired artwork and an Art of Science talk by Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg and Keith Duncan at the beautiful Danforth Plant Science Center.
Are you doing something innovative? Need to connect with similar folk? Check out what Venture Café is all about and where/when their next meeting is here.