E-Squared Magazine
Art + Science | Culture

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Working Towards a Solution

Greetings! I hope you all are well. This year E-Squared has traversed through some valleys and mountains, so I thought it was time for an update.

December consisted of a 1200+ mile move for E-Squared.

January was filled with a request for all E-Squared issues to be archived at Stanford University which was very exciting!

In February, just as Issue #4 was ready to go to print, I found out that my printer was closing their operation in the United States and would no longer cater to the U.S. market.

I decided that transparency was best so in March I reached out to all of you at E-Squared and asked for helpI was taken by the number of e-mails I received with referrals, support, and encouragement.

The time between then and now has been filled with many phone calls, sample prints, frustrations, and more quotes than I want to count but with all of that being said, I am very happy to confirm that I have found a new printer located in the United States.

Most importantly, I want you to know that I could not have done this without you. I cannot express how thankful I am to the network I have formed and the help, patience, kind words, and support you have extended to me in this challenging time.

Issue #4 is compete and will go to print June 1st.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Let me know if you have any questions–I am more than happy to answer them.

With deepest gratitude,

Emily A. Dustman
Founder & Director
E-Squared Magazine