E-Squared Magazine
Art + Science | Culture

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

Issue #3: An Interview with Guy Ben-Ary

Cover Photo: Guy Ben-Ary

With each issue of E-Squared Magazine, we feature/interview an individual that we feel best demonstrates the synergy of Art + Science. Issue #3 is set to feature an interview with Guy Ben-Ary and his latest work CellF. Through this unique collaborative project, he creates the worlds first neural synthesizer.

What exactly is CellF? It is an autonomous instrument made from neural networks and analog synthesizers that work in together. Essentially, the musician and musical instrument become one entity to create a rockstar in a Petri dish!

CellF premiered in Perth, Australia in October 2016. This art project presents new questions regarding life, technological advancements, and the materiality of the human body.

You can read more about CellF and see our ten-page interview with Guy Ben-Ary in Issue #3.

Pre-order Issue #3 here.