Cover Photo: Geert Vanhoovels, Global War-ning
With each issue of E-Squared Magazine, we take time to carefully select a cover artist that reflects the perfect mix of Art, Science, & Culture. We sit down with our unique pool of artists making up the current issue and ask questions like:
What’s going on in the world?
What do people need to see and really contemplate?
What’s important to convey to our international audience?
Our goals at E-Squared are to generate questions, creative thought, experimentation, collaboration, and innovation with the hope of sparking real social and cultural change.
With these goals in mind, we have selected Geert Vanhoovels for the cover of Issue #3.
Geert’s work investigates the influence of art on social and political spheres. His work presents an opportunity for us to develop thoughts about the future and engage in a necessary and sometimes sobering dialogue.
We are fortunate to have stumbled upon Geert Vanhoovels and his powerful work. We hope that this selection for Issue #3 stimulates great thought and conversation for you and others just as it has for us.
Looking towards the future,
Emily A. Dustman
Founder & Creative Director