Today’s a big day. Today marks the arrival of our first palette of Issue #1. We are so over the moon elated and it is still very surreal for us. It was just a month ago on September 26th. that we unwrapped our proof copy of Issue #1 and now the finely groomed version is here. If you haven’t heard yet and are curious, Issue #1 features Greg A. Dunn and has cover art by Julia deVille (front c.) and Brigitte Amarger (back c.). So far, it is making quite a presence, taking up our entire E-Squared Studio!
A lot of hard work went into making Issue #1 what it is from simply writing artist bio’s to the uphill battle in finding a printer. We understand so much more now than we ever did about all that goes into publishing! Regardless of the back story to get us to this point, we hope you enjoy Issue #1 upon its arrival at your doorstep. A big, big thanks to everyone who believed in and supported us. We’re in physical print, guys!