Tag Archives: e-squared

Pre-order Issue #6

I have been working hard on getting all of the content completed and input into the layout/publishing software. The current issue is near completion, and pre-orders for ISSUE #6 are now open! Recently, I also set up a new shop – placing orders should be much more streamlined. ISSUE #6 is set to be released by this […]

A Time for Nature

James Prosek’s work as a visual artist and a writer questions accepted notions of how we understand and interpret the natural world. Prosek’s interest in taxonomy, and in general how we join words to the world, began with his passion for nature. He discovered that the process of taking nature and partitioning it into units […]

Further Delays with Issue #4

Today, I am deeming Issue #4 as the challenge issue. Here are some of the hurdles in attempting to release this issue: 1. Moving E-Squared over 1200 miles 2. Losing our printer 3. Having to find a new printer 4. Being over-budget with our new printer 5. Reception of a coverless Issue #4 Yes, you read that right, Issue […]

Call for Artists, Scientists, Innovators…

Hey guys! As the academic year is beginning, E-Squared is initiating the fifth call for artists, scientists, innovators, and all thinkers alike. Different from before, we have a very apparent theme this go round! As always, E-Squared embraces the cross-fertilization of art + science. On our fifth call, we are seeking works that are one or multiple of the following: inexplicable alien foreign magical […]

Issue #3: An Interview with Guy Ben-Ary

Cover Photo: Guy Ben-Ary With each issue of E-Squared Magazine, we feature/interview an individual that we feel best demonstrates the synergy of Art + Science. Issue #3 is set to feature an interview with Guy Ben-Ary and his latest work CellF. Through this unique collaborative project, he creates the worlds first neural synthesizer. What exactly is CellF? It is […]

Support Art + Science

Cover Photo: Skye Moret If you have never held a copy of E-Squared Magazine in your hands, it isn’t your typical magazine. In fact, many have stated that it is more like a high quality book, a reference for artists and scientists alike, and a work of art in itself. More than anything, our audience has stated that E-Squared […]

Celebrating the Imperfect Body with Elizabeth Jameson

In our debut issue, we were honored to feature Elizabeth Jameson. Many years ago, Elizabeth was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Ever since, she has been turning her medical diagnosis into colorful works of art, changing the discourse of what it means to live with a progressive disease. We just finished watching an incredibly impactful TedxStanford […]

Issue #2

Purchase Issue #2 — $35.00 USD SOLD OUT! Issue #2: Letter from the Founder What does it mean to be human? To be alive? To exist? The individuals of Issue #1 examined these subjects intently. The body of work developing our first issue informed us as human beings and quite personally, transformed me as a […]


Cover Photo: E. Dustman Spring is officially here…and it’s almost really here in New England (haha). I have deemed our winter Issue purple and although it was delayed due to improper cutting, I am pleased to announce that we received our palette of Issue #2 this evening and this time, it was correctly cut! We’re good to go! Boxes are in […]

With Great Thanks & Updates on Issue #2

As many of you already know, our printing campaign has finally ended. We sure are relieved it’s over! We would like to thank you again for all of the support whether it was through sharing, donating artwork, or contributing financially to the campaign. We really couldn’t do this without you.  While we have been working very diligently […]