Tag Archives: street art

PAINT LOUIS: Breaking Down Barriers

This past weekend marked one of my favorite events of the year—Paint Louis!  Paint Louis is one of the largest graffiti gatherings in the world. This year, artists traveled from as far as Germany, Canada, and Australia to leave their mark on the St. Louis flood wall. The event boasts the Guinness World Record for the “longest […]

Call for Artists

ARTISTS, SCIENTISTS, AND INNOVATORS! We’re archived in Stanford University Libraries and we think you & your work should be too! OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS // International Deadline: February 10, 2019. Underlying theme: Architecture. Urban Decay. Street Art. Post-Industrial Society. Humanity. Technology. Metaphysics. Otherworldly. Outer Space. Terraforming. Extraterrestrial Colonization. New World.Robots. Artificial Intelligence. Cybernetic Revolt. Fermi […]